Totally agreed. Thank you.

Surveys show runners definitely care and will make decisions based on environmental considerations. It is the role of quality media to put those considerations in front of them so they are able to make informed choices.

And while it is a large subject, it's perfectly reasonable to focus on a few identifiable aspects in order to generate positive action. Letting 'perfect become the enemy of good' is a classic do-nothing perspective.

Green Runners was founded in the UK and deserves a call-out (I joined, I hope others do as well): https://thegreenrunners.com/

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Fully on board with this - and I think runners do care, but there's not much information or many solutions for it. Running trainers are the new plastic bottle problem

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You didn't ask me and I will follow this up 👍

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I'm split here as I'm not sure if outdoor media can cover this at an intellectually sufficient level. I see the PFAS/PFOS situation playing out a bit like the BPA issue where companies eliminate the negative thing that we currently test for while ignoring the other negative components BPF/BPS that aren't currently in the cross hairs of broad environmental study to push new products that are free from whatever the target chemical is. I certainly think we should be looking to eliminate PFAS in outdoor attire but we can't just celebrate the elimination of the 5 or so PFAS chemicals commonly tested for in the environment if we're just substituting some of the other 1000s of related compounds of unknown environmental impacts and consequences. There's certainly a place in outdoor media for this conversation but there is a lot of nuance likely not fit for most outlets.

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